Now, O Lord, God of Israel, fulfill the promise to your servant David. —2 Chronicles 6:17
Solomon prayed that God’s promises to his father David would come to pass. The King James Version says Solomon wanted God’s promises verified. The word verify means “to establish as a fact,” or “to prove true.” Scientists verify their hypotheses by hundreds of tests. Detectives verify evidence by examining it from every conceivable angle. Faith means to believe God to establish His promise as a fact. You build your faith by searching out the promises of God until you have established, or verified, them as facts in your mind, not just as promises. When you establish God’s Word as fact, He will then establish your life by fulfilling His promises: “Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established” (2 Chronicles 20:20 KJV). Whatever crisis you are facing, make the effort to verify the promises of God that pertain to that situation. Find every shred of biblical evidence that fits your case. Meditate on that evidence until it turns from a promise into an established fact in your heart. As you establish God’s promises, He will establish you!
Suggested Reading:
2 Chronicles 6:12-8:10
Romans 7:14-8:8
Psalm 18:1-15
Proverbs 19:24-25